Operational Medicine Medical Education and Training

Prepare a Patient for General Anesthesia


As a Special Forces Medic, prepare a patient for general parenteral anesthesia, in accordance with JSOMTC student manual of anesthesia.


As a Special Forces Medic preparation of the patient and yourself will be a critical task in the successful performance of general parenteral anesthesia

Prepare a Patient for General Anesthesia

MS PowerPoint
30 Slides
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The Preanesthetic Visit

Prep for general parenteral anesthesia

Emergency prep for general parenteral anesthesia

The Preanesthetic Visit

The preanesthetic visit is conducted so the anesthetist can meet with the patient for the purpose of identifying any possible complications prior to the anesthetic procedure and alleviating the patients possible anxiety or fear of anesthesia/surgery

Preanesthetic Visit

Should take place at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled procedure

If possible, it should be conducted prior to emergency administration of anesthesia

Preanesthetic Visit

What are some possible problems or complication that can be identified prior to the administration of anesthesia?

Preanesthetic Visit

Tracheal Intubation Problems


Drug interactions

Previous Exposure to Anesthesia

Concurrent Illnesses

Classification of Physical Status

Tracheal Intubation Problems

Short Thick Neck

Disease of Pharynx or Larynx

Tracheal Deviation

Small Mouth

Stiff Temporomandibular Joint

Prominent Upper Incisors

Tracheal Intubation Problems

Chipped or Cracked Enamel


Loose Teeth

Dentures, Crowns

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From SFC Hill

Joint Special Operations Medical Training Center

Operational Medicine 2001

Bureau of Medicine and Surgery

Department of the Navy




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